Thursday, November 21, 2013

Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter

We all know that the winter season in the Midwest can be a harsh one. Just like going to the Doctor for a flu shot, you need to take care of your vehicle before winter and the harsh weather comes. 

By taking these steps below, you will be prepared for the harsh conditions. 

Engine coolant is just that; it cools down your vehicle, and it keeps it from overheating. It also protects your engine against corrosion. For coolant in the winter, a winter ratio is 60% coolant to 40% water (so it doesn't freeze the water.) The Service Department at Victory Ford performs FREE coolant tests! Feel free to give them a call at 563.875.2409 if you would like to schedule yours before the snow hits! 

Engine Oil 
Just like your body getting accustomed to cold weather, your vehicle goes through this same homeostasis. The oil in your engine is influenced by the weather outside, which in the Midwest we experience a lot of days with temperatures below freezing. We need a thinner oil in these conditions. If you aren't sure which oil to use, please refer to your owner's manual. 

Windshield Wipers and Fluid 
Replacing your windshield wipers and topping off your wiper fluid will help you with your visibility during the winter. Make sure to keep extra fluid and wipers in your emergency kit if you run out during your drive! 

Battery Capacity
Just like your body, your vehicle needs energy to keep going. In the winter conditions, you need to create more energy to produce the same amount of energy as you would in the summer. Your battery does just that: use more energy to keep going in the winter. 
To insure your battery is at its full potential, please inspect your battery, cables, terminals and fluid. If you need assistance performing these checks, Victory Ford can check your battery for FREE! Give us a call at 563.875.2409 to schedule this service. 

Emergency Kit
An emergency kit is crucial for your well-being if you get into an accident while driving in winter conditions. 
Store these items in a bag in your truck: 

Other items that will help you if you become stranded are a spare tire (almost every vehicle comes equipped with one, but make sure yours is still ready!) a First Aid Kit, a small bag of sand or salt to aids you if you get stuck in snow. 
Lastly, make sure you keep your gas tank as full as possible during the winter. Gas lines can freeze during the winter, and the more the better! 

Tire Pressure 
Just like we learned in science class years ago, cold air is less dense. Your tires experience the same thing in the winter. You lose the air density (pressure) in the colder conditions. Reference your Owner's Manual to see what pressure your tires should be before taking long drives in the winter! 

We hope this list aids you during this winter season! Make sure you prepare by doing routine maintenance checks, protect you and your passengers, and prevent any accidents by slowing down and keeping your eyes on the road!

Below is a winter kit Victory Ford created! 

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