Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Miles on Stiles: Get to Know a Salesman

We have another guy starting here at Victory! He goes by Jeff and he's like me in that we're not originally from Iowa. He's from the east coast and has done a lot with his life! Read on and find out more about Jeff!

You're not originally from around here. Where is your hometown?
- Plainfield, New Jersey

Who do you call your family? 
- Wife (Mindy), two daughters (Aletheia and Laura), one son (Skyler)

Did you go to college? 
- North Carolina State University for political science and then Emmaus Bible College for theology

Iowa or Wisconsin? 
- Virginia Tech Hokies!

Cats or dogs?
- Cats (one of the few here at Victory!)

iPhone or Android? 

- iPhone

What's your favorite sport to watch and what team? 

- Milwaukee Brewers (woo hoo!)

Favorite food?
- I love some good sushi

Favorite musician/band? 
- MuteMath, an alternative rock band 

Favorite Holiday? 
- Christmas

Movie you could watch over and over? 
- The Count of Monte Cristo

Where would you travel to first if you won the lottery?
- Europe (Ireland, England)

Proudest moment in your life so far? 
- Serving on White House staff under President Reagan in 1986. (Impressive!)

Castleview Manor
What you do in your free-time?
- Make my own beer, work on my residence (Castleview Manor in Dubuque)

Favorite Ford vehicle? 
- Escape

Last but not least, why come buy a vehicle from you? 
- Because I don’t act like a salesman; I act like a person matching up people with their next vehicle.

Any other interesting facts about you?
- I’m also a journalist and author. I write for monthly feature stories for an international music publication (www.djtimes.com) and have two of my own books for sale both online and at River Lights bookstore in Dubuque.